Re: [AD] Commit access for Allegro 4.4.X

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Off topic after just one post! but would you be interested in maintaining the allegro4-to-5 repo as well?

The idea is to provide the allegro4 api on top of the allegro5 implementation to ease transition from an a4 project to a5.

On Mon, Aug 7, 2017 at 8:12 PM, Edgar Reynaldo <edgarreynaldo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hey guys and gals,

I hereby nominate myself for the official Allegro 4 maintainer. Nobody else is gonna do it, and I'm not going anywhere anytime soon as long as I've got wifi and my lappie I'm gonna keep pluggin away at my GUI and Allegro.

I'm just tired of having to ask someone else to commit patches for Allegro 4 when I could just do it myself.

If I ever had any major patches or anything that might break anything, I will gladly run it by everyone here on AD.

How many people are there left now with commit access to Allegro?

Anyway, long story short I'm committed, I work well with others, and I want to help keep Allegro 4 there for the people who need legacy code and can 't port without great effort.

I want to see if I can get Allegro 4.4.X to work with a recent version of MSVC. I think it will probably be difficult because of the DirectDraw legacy requirement that is no longer provided. Was there a minimalist set of DX headers and libs for MSVC?

Comments? Concerns? Thoughts?

Marc D. aka Edgar Reynaldo

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