[AD] Re: Failed call to inflate inside physfs when loading bmp from zip file

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On 4/30/2017 4:30 PM, Edgar Reynaldo wrote:

Hi people.

I recently built some binaries for Allegro 5.2.3 and Neil Roy tried them out and discovered that his ttf files inside his zip file no longer load in his Deluxe Pacman 2 game using physfs.

Here's the initial bug report from Neil Roy :

1) Replaced verdana bold with a new copy of it from the same source, even changed the filename. Same problem. 2) Tried loading the font from outside the ZIP file, from a normal folder and it loaded no problem. The very next font that tried to load from the ZIP file failed, a totally different font. Also note that I successfully loaded a BMP font from the same ZIP file without problems. 3) It's not just THIS font, it's ANY TTF. I tried a totally different TTF. They load fine from a normal folder, they do not load from the ZIP. Yet Allegro 5.2.1 loads them just fine from all locations. I ONLY compile with the libraries YOU supplied each time, with the same compiler you supplied. The program is compiled with the exact same settings each time, both with Allegro 5.2.1 and with the version in this forum. Yet I have zero problems with 5.2.1, so something changed between versions.

which can be found here :



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