[AD] gna

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Title: Mail

The issue is closely related to your company name "gna",please forward it to your company's top management. Thanks!

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am grateful for you checking this letter out. We are a Chinese domain registrar. Recently, we received the registration request from KAT Technologies Co., Ltd applying to register gna brand and some gna based domain names, which have same main body as your company's name. We send this letter to confirm with your company whether or not you authorize them to register those names. Please give me your thoughts ASAP so as to let us carry on, Thanks.

Best Regards, 

Kathy Wang
General Manager of Registration department
Address:No. 36 BeiJing Road,Hefei 230001,China 
Tel: (+86) 0739-5215980
Fax:(+86) 0739-5215980

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