Re: [AD] Fwd: Fwd: Re: Additional opengl functions

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Nah, I appreciate a reminder. I'm forgetful and like to procrastinate.

I guess these things could make life easier for OpenGL people, and we won't get to 1000 API entries if we never add new functions.

I guess if you fix the following issues, I'll add these in (unless somebody speaks up against this).

- No need to put spaces in front of commas (also in the docs)
- Could you add a 'Since: 5.2.2' or whatever the version is these days in the docs (see some other functions for the format of that note)
- No need to duplicate the comment about OpenGL ES
- Could you rename al_get_opengl_texture_coordinates to al_get_opengl_texture_dimensions and change the parameter names to be in terms of u and v vs x and y? Dimensions is what the font addon uses for a similar function, so for consistency's sake I'd prefer this name.


On 11/30/2016 01:49 PM, Edgar wrote:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: *Edgar* <edgarreynaldo@xxxxxxxxxx
Date: Wed, Nov 30, 2016 at 3:48 PM
Subject: Re: [AD] Fwd: Re: Additional opengl functions
To: trent@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:trent@xxxxxxxxxx>

It certainly wasn't intended to come off as if I was telling anyone what
to do. I hadn't received a reply in over a week so I felt I should add
in a small reminder that I was waiting on an answer. SiegeLord did
originally say he could be swayed to include the functions, so I didn't
feel that the issue had been completely decided yet. There's no need to
be rude. You simply misinterpreted what I said, and how I said it.

On Sun, Nov 27, 2016 at 6:46 PM, <trent@xxxxxxxxxx
<mailto:trent@xxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    On Sun, November 27, 2016 7:39 pm, Thomas Fjellstrom wrote:
    >> Nobody finds them useful, don't have a hissy fit... Everything is
    >> already
    >> available and we don't need repetitive bloat. Please don't reply with
    >> another rant.
    > I wouldn't say they arent useful. But people did express they didn't find
    > them
    > useful enough at the moment. Or perhaps they hadn't thought of all the
    > potential use cases.

    The part I didn't like was:

    Edgar: here are some functions, what do you think?
    Siege: I don't think I'll add them.
    Edgar: Just a reminder, you haven't added the functions.
    Siege: I said I didn't want to add them.
    Edgar: <puke>

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