[AD] Language Binding

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Forgive me if this is the wrong channel via which to inquire on this subject. I was wondering, having read the various language bindings for Allegro 5 on your website, if you where similarly interested in Graphical APIs built around allegro. I am currently in the process of constructing an API for Java which uses Allegro 5 for all of its rendering. In an attempt to circumvent the JNI bottleneck, making use of the API bears little resemblance to Allegro 5 proper, and simulates object orientation on various aspects of rendering. A link to the current version is available here: https://github.com/LeqxLeqx/jllegro. Please let me know if this would be considered a 'Binding' worthy of being listed at 'http://liballeg.org/bindings.html'. It's not quite finished yet, however it will be shortly.

Thank you for your time.



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