Re: [AD] Fwd: Re: Allegro + latest MinGW = off_t undefined

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It seems like a bug. _FILE_OFFSET_BITS is defined in the source files (making off_t 64 bit) but not in the headers. Not sure how this stuff ever worked, but I guess just making it 64 bit at all times makes sense.


On 10/17/2016 04:21 PM, Elias Pschernig wrote:
4GB is not very large in general - I could easily see a game's data pack
be larger than that. Also videos are often more than 4GB. But chances
are when compiling for 32-bit there could be some other limit so you
would not be able to work with such sizes anyway - however I just don't
understand why the Allegro API does have to expose that with a weird
type like off_t which changes size depending on the platform. Maybe I'll
do a sed -i -e 's/off_t/int64_t/g' and create a pull request if nobody
disagrees - but I don't know the original reason for off_t so maybe
there is a good reason for it.

On Mon, Oct 17, 2016 at 6:37 PM, Edgar Reynaldo
<mailto:edgarreynaldo@xxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    Meant to send this to the mailing list. Sorry bout that.

    -------- Forwarded Message --------
    Subject: 	Re: [AD] Allegro + latest MinGW = off_t undefined
    Date: 	Mon, 17 Oct 2016 17:32:25 -0500
    From: 	Edgar Reynaldo <EdgarReynaldo@xxxxxxxxxx>
    To: 	Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx> <mailto:elias@xxxxxxxxxx>

    On 10/9/2016 10:01 AM, Elias Pschernig wrote:
    Or maybe replace off_t with int64_t - the uses I can see seem very
    suspicious, and most likely currently Allegro 5 will break if it
    is ever compiled on a system where off_t is only 32 bit.

    On Sat, Oct 8, 2016 at 9:59 PM, SiegeLord <siegelordex@xxxxxxxxxx
    <mailto:siegelordex@xxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

        Sounds like the proper solution is to define _POSIX_C_SOURCE
        then, perhaps guarded by a check for ALLEGRO_GCC.

    All of these errors have been fixed by patches issued by Keith
    Marshall of MinGW, as detailed here :

    So as far as I can see, Allegro 5 programs now properly compile with
    the C++11 standard in use.

    Do we really need to replace off_t with int64_t though? I mean
    better safe than sorry, but are we really ever going to deal with
    file system entries larger than 4GB? Where does the issue with using
    off_t on 64 bit systems come in? If we needed file system offsets I
    would agree that int64_t would be better, but I don't see any of
    that in use at the moment.


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