Re: [AD]

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No, that's fine. I'll cherry pick this entire commit.

As for the joystick code, it definitely did some good things with my logitech controller. I'll make a pull request that re-introduces this change, and we can see what's wrong with it.


On 08/10/2016 12:53 PM, Trent Gamblin wrote:
I accidentally reverted the OS X joystick changes in my last commit which was supposed to only touch some OpenGL stuff. I’m thinking it may be the way to go anyway, until that code can be fixed. Let me know and I’ll undo it.

On Aug 10, 2016, at 1:20 PM, Trent Gamblin <trent@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On closer inspection (running ex_joystick_events) my Xbox controller doesn’t have any buttons at all with the new joystick code. Left and right stick are combined into one and that’s the only feature of the joystick. So not sure how this is even useful...

On Aug 9, 2016, at 8:21 PM, SiegeLord <siegelordex@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Looks like I'll probably have to make a patch release to 5.2.1.

- 5.2.1 broke the ABI of al_get_opengl_extension_list (fixed in That API doesn't seem like it can handle any OpenGL extension additions, so we might have to just freeze it as it is. This was detected by the nice website made by Andrey (

- The change in joystick button enumeration under OSX through while overall beneficial, was also non-backwards compatible. I think the probable best solution here would be to add a allegro5.cfg switch between the old and new enumerations if feasible, defaulting to the old style and adding documentation of how to switch to the new style.


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