Re: [AD] More source code that doesn't compile... |
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I'm getting a whole slew of errors here and I don't know why. I'm using Code::Blocks, it compiles okay, but then craps out when it tries to link the obj file into an executable. Basically it isn't finding a bunch of functions. Example:obj\Release\examp.o:examp.c:(.text+0xf8): undefined reference to `file_select_ex'
obj\Release\examp.o:examp.c:(.text+0x2d0): undefined reference to `centre_dialog'
obj\Release\examp.o:examp.c:(.text+0x2dd): undefined reference to `do_dialog'
obj\Release\examp.o:examp.c:(.text+0x329): undefined reference to `alert'
I am linked to every single .h file and .a file that exists in Allegro, so how could it possibly not work? Maybe there is a missing library? Is it versioning? I hate programs that give me no feedback.
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