Re: [AD] (temporarily) removing the ffmpeg backend from the video addon

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Sounds good!

On Wed, Mar 23, 2016 at 10:46 PM, SiegeLord <siegelordex@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
So I spent the past 4 days trying to fix the various issues with the ffmpeg backend (firstly, it doesn't compile due to being so out of date, but even if that's fixed, it produces static for most videos due to broken audio handling, seeking doesn't work, pausing doesn't work, etc.) and I came to the conclusion that the best solution is to just throw it away and rewrite the code in its entirety.

My plan for the rewrite is actually to move most of the theora code (which works a lot better and is a lot simpler to understand than ffmpeg's) into the generic video code, and then implement the ffmpeg support on top of that, so the complicated seeking and synchronization code is shared between the two backends.

That will take time, and I meanwhile I don't want to spend more time fixing the current broken code. Leaving it in as is also seems like a bad idea. So I propose just completely removing it for now, with the intention to add it back in using the strategy outlined above. I do want to add it back in, and then seriously look into packaging it on Windows, as I think theora is a terrible video format and ffmpeg would be of great use. I can't imagine this will inconvenience anyone, as the current code is just broken.

Any opinions on this?

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