Re: [AD] 5.2 roadmap

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The last message on this topic was this one: , and basically everything there still applies (even the bugs I mentioned, they are hard to fix). The main difference is that since then, the video addon is gotten in a reasonable shape.

A combination of procrastination and spending a lot of time on packaging prevented me from implementing the API versioning scheme mentioned there. It's very high on my TODO list. Like do it in the next week or two high. I want to if possible release 5.2 in the next 3 months (there's a good release date in April ;) or earlier. I don't think there's anything super-blocking.

Otherwise, we could just keep fixing bugs :). I think the biggest new issue that has come up recently is this one: which is a bit disconcerning as it means it's pretty tricky to get bundles working on OSX. It'd be a great thing if we could get them working with the homebrew binaries and perhaps an associated tutorial.

Also, fixing that TTF font bug is pretty high priority too (I'm working on it this evening).


On 01/25/2016 03:48 AM, Trent Gamblin wrote:
Where's the real 5.2 roadmap? Repost please? I might be able to squeeze
some things in here and there...

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