[AD] Website changes

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I decided to play around a bit with the content and style of liballeg.org. Check out a preview here:


My goals were to make the front page explain more what Allegro does (so I moved some stuff from the intro page), to demphasize Allegro 4 (all the information is still there, but moved elsewhere) and clean up the downloads page. I also played around with the sidebar a bit.

See https://github.com/SiegeLord/allegrowww2/commit/e82f0829878e3b91b5423aac1f6bec75f33d25ff for the actual commit

Downloads page: http://siegelord.github.io/allegrowww2/download.html

'History page' (the old introduction page): http://siegelord.github.io/allegrowww2/readme.html

Comments? Concerns? I might post this to allegro.cc as well perhaps (if there are no objections).


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