Re: [AD] 5.1.12

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Oh yeah, and this release will hopefully have statically linked dependencies for MSVC, as Trent suggested.


On 09/21/2015 09:31 PM, SiegeLord wrote:
I'm thinking it might be good to release 5.1.12 soon. I'll want to merge for it (please take a look
if you can), but is there anything else that should be done there? I
note Beoran made a little milestone for it: Are those two
issues still on for 5.1.12? If not, let's postpone them.

I'm going to be following (and then documenting) a slightly different
release process this time around. The major difference is that each
release will now be a branch (i.e. sometime soon I'll make a '5.1.12'
branch). This will allow us to make patch releases more easily and also
prevent silly situations when somebody makes a commit while I'm making
the packages (this happened last time) but before I've bumped the
version. Overall, it'll be a lot less stressful for me :P.


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