Re: [AD] Deployment

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as a windows user,  i think the InnoSetup script idea is good.
not only does it solve a technical problem, it adds a certain professionalism to a deployment that makes it seem more than some hobby-game.

"here, have a zip file you unpack, and then install this runtime, and run this vcdist thing, then click on one of those exe files to launch it... oh what? it didn't run.. why not? did you read the README? did you follow these 12 steps? .. you put it in C:/Program Files/ but it can't read/write it's own config file... oh yeah.. you have to mess about with permissions in the file system too.. ", this is unacceptable these days.

On 9/08/2015 8:44 PM, Peter Hull wrote:
I've been following the latest speedhack and also reding the recent thread about bundling DLLs/static linking. It seems to me that it's quite tricky to deploy an Allegro game and get it right, especially if the target audience doesn't have allegro at all. Has anyone any ideas on how to make it easier. I was thinking of some sort of simple config file, listing the app's name, exe, resources etc. which could be turned into something suitable by a platform-specific processor. For example, on OSX it could work like the 'fixbundle' tool, on Windows maybe generate a WiX or innosetup script.
What do you think?

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