Re: [AD] Allegro on Gna!

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While posting to it a few times, I've noticed that things went into the moderation queue. I'm not sure what alleg-developers@xxxxxxxxxx is doing right now, but I was under the impression that it was not moderated. Could we turn that off for gna as well (if sourceforge is moderated, then nevermind, I must have never noticed it). Just concerned about the workload of whitelisting people by the busy moderator(s).


On 08/08/2015 06:33 PM, Peter Wang wrote:

Allegro has been accepted as a project on Gna!

I have created a new mailing list.  Please subscribe if you are interested.
Subscriptions from the old mailing list will NOT be automatically
transferred to the new list.

I intend to shut down the old list in about one week, then transfer the
archives.  In the mean time, please cross-post messages to both lists.

See you there.


P.S. Could a couple of interested parties sign up and request to join
the Gna project (or however it is done) so we have multiple admins.


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