Re: [AD] The website

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On Fri, Jul 24, 2015 at 4:41 AM, Peter Wang <novalazy@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Cool.  I assume releases will go on github as well.

I haven't tried it, but it seems allows uploading arbitrary binary files together with a release - so it should work just fine. I suppose a release is always tied to a git tag, which is fine. What's your github username btw.? Also Trent, what's yours? Or anyone else who needs developer access to the github project.

I did contact Ryan (of  He said he generally doesn't take
on new projects now but was willing to host us.  I haven't heard back;
he's probably very busy.

I will register a project on Gna for the mailing list.

I think we'll be good on github+gna. As i said last time, I'm a bit worried about gna - but it's definitely a better bet than SF now. (Except the move is still a pain, everyone having to re-subscribe and so on...)

As for the website, I had some time and just for fun converted most of the current

to Jekyll-github

. Still has some broken links and some missing stuff but I think it would be a good way. Jekyll is very similar to our pandoc system. The markdown is basically the same, unfortunately minus the nice pandoc tables. And Jekyll has quite a few minor annoyances... the one advantage is that instead of building locally and rsyncing, github will automatically rebuild it on their server whenever a change is committed. Not sure we could install pandoc on travis-ci and do the same without... anyway, the Jekyll website source is here:

We can also keep the current system and simply push the final html to

Either way, I'll start on cleaning it up more and updating the SourceForge links soon.

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