Re: [AD] Suggestion: al_clear_keyboard_state()

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Op 01-06-15 08:32, SiegeLord schreef:
On 05/29/2015 11:10 PM, Beoran wrote:
So void al_clear_keyboard_state(bool send_key_events) it should be then?
Any other suggestions?
I think that's all I'd want out of this function. One last thing to note
is that there at least should be a mouse variant for this, but I'd
rather not have this get out of hand for touch and joystick events.


Hmm, i don't know, people have only asked for the keyboard case so far.
How would such a function actually look for the mouse state? That's
not a rhetorical question, I really can't imagine what it should do. Just
reset the button state or also the location???


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