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I managed to cut only the pieces needed from each file. It's now sitting at 550 lines in a C file, a C++ file and a header. So not too bad, just really messy how they have it set up.
The downside is it only plays WebM... I could hack ivf back in possibly but I didn't think that or raw/y4m were important... Mainly because they add a lot of extra code (especially y4m.)
The build process is simplified to build/install libvpx and the same for libwebm although webm doesn't have an install step so it has to be done manually...
If that sounds OK I'll continue, if not we can keep ffpmeg.
On Jun 15, 2015 7:59 PM, SiegeLord <siegelordex@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Wow, that sounds terrible. The big motivation was to get something
> that's simpler to deal with than ffmpeg, and this doesn't sound like it.
> If it's just as hard as ffmpeg, then we might as well just support
> ffmpeg which I'm sure can play webm videos itself.
> -SL
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