Re: [AD] Suggestion: al_clear_keyboard_state()

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Would it be better if that's done automatically in the drivers or would that pose other problems?

---- Beoran wrote ----

>Following a discussion on the forum here:
>I propose we implement an API function al_clear_keyboard_state() that 
>clears ALLEGR's keyboatd state and sets all keys to unpressed. This 
>function is mainly for use when the ALLEGRO_EVENT_DISPLAY_SWITCH_OUT 
>is received, to prevent any pressed keys from getting "stuck" in the 
>down state because Allegro hasn't received the key up event while the 
>display wasn't active.
>Would such a function be acceptable? Implementation is trivial, just a 
>memset() really; but the function is a bit of a workaround, os I 
>wonder if exposing such an API would be OK.
>Kind Regards,

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