Re: [AD] Problems with gamepad on MacOS X and general thoughts

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The patch doesn't apply cleanly. The part about "Fill in
ALLEGRO_JOYSTICK..." where you removed a dozen or so lines fails. Your
patched original looks different than what I have in Allegro git. Did you
apply over some existing changes?

-----Original Message-----
From: Max Savenkov [mailto:max.savenkov@xxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: March 24, 2015 1:51 PM
To: alleg-developers@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [AD] Problems with gamepad on MacOS X and general thoughts

OK, here's the patch for hidjoy.m. I only patched the 10.5+ version.

It fixes my problem where there were more Z-axes than X-axes, and the number
of sticks was wrong, and also adds support for "Hatswitch", which represents
D-pad on my gamepad. I could find no documentation on the way Hatswitch
reports values, but from looking at other peoples' code, I decided to just
hard-code 8 directions (Apple documentation for working with HID devices is
lacking a lot of details).

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