Re: [AD] Problems with gamepad on MacOS X and general thoughts

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Why have the concept of a stick if they only have one axis?

On 2015-03-22 5:37 PM, SiegeLord wrote:
As I've said before, I think it's perfectly reasonable to add a new way of filling out the joystick information that's configurable via allegro5.cfg (i.e. you can get the current 'legacy' mode like that), this has precedent. In terms of API, I imagine this could mean that every stick would now have only a single axis, and we could add a `al_get_joystick_raw_axis{_name,_flags}(joy, axis)` function and slowly deprecate the other APIs. I kind of like A5's way of doing this over SDLs, but if it cannot be made to work, I think we should abandon it. -SL

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