Re: [AD] WIP compressed texture support patch

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On 12/08/2014 10:22 PM, Brandon McCaig wrote:

However, if you can be reasonably sure that it won't break
existing code, and that the user has to request to use it, then I
see no reason to make a fuss about including it.

This patch is a bit invasive in a few internal bits, and every time they are touched, there is a chance of breakage.

SiegeLordEx's patch <compressed_wip.diff> said:
+   lr = al_lock_bitmap_blocked(bmp, ALLEGRO_LOCK_WRITEONLY);
+   ptr = lr->data;
+   for (ii = 0; ii < h / block_width; ii++) {
+      size_t pitch = (size_t)(w / block_width * block_size);
+      num_read = al_fread(f, ptr, pitch);
+      if (num_read != pitch) {
+         ALLEGRO_ERROR("DDS file too short.\n");
+         goto FAIL;
+      }
+      ptr += lr->pitch;
+   }

Bare in mind that I'm completely unfamiliar with Allegro's source
code, and graphics programming for that matter, so I'm just
glancing over this with programmer eyes, but I'm not seeing how
lr->pitch is corresponding to the for-loop's pitch. Is that
intended as a sanity check to make sure the maths is correct, or
is it safe to assume that the "pitch" is known by the format
already and calculating it here is redundant or potentially
erroneous? It appears to be a function of the image size, which
is known by the bitmap already, and the block dimensions, which
appear to be defined by the format..

These two pitches are often different (often just by their sign). The `size_t pitch` is indeed defined by the on-disk format, but the `lr->pitch` depends on which backend is used, and, e.g. with textures with non-power of 2 dimensions are supported.

I realize you said you would clean up formatting so I'm not sure
if this falls into that category or not... While I'm nitpicking,
I think that 'ptr' is a pretty poor name in a function this size
(I saw enough of that at j0rb today tyvm). ;)

Fair enough.

SiegeLordEx's patch <compressed_wip.diff> said:
-            al_clear_to_color(al_map_rgb_f(0, 0, 0));
+            al_clear_to_color(al_map_rgb_f(0.1, 0, 0.1));

That seems to come out of nowhere. ;) I'd suggest resetting your
branch and recommitting changes in logical steps to make it more
understandable so that you can explain this sort of change. E.g.:

Good catch, that's just for debugging purposes. I was indeed considering doing some history rewriting before final submission (if I can separate it into bits that compile independently). The reason I'm sending this out in this messy form is because I can't touch the code without contaminating it with my employer's ownership (well, I guess I could merely re-arrange things without that coming into play), which ruins the ability to collaborate. I'd rather get as many critical design comments in before I do anything drastic.


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