Re: [AD] Releasing 5.1.9

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Here's a draft changelog. Glance at it to see if there's anything missing:

Changes from 5.1.8 to 5.1.9 (December 2014)

The main developers this time were: Trent Gamblin, SiegeLord, Elias Pschernig.


  - Fix OSX backend on OSX 10.10 (lordnoriyuki)

- Simplify how sub-bitmaps interact with their parent bitmaps. You can now destroy a sub-bitmap at any time (not only before the parent is destroyed). Additionally, when the parent is converted using `al_convert_bitmap`, all
    the sub-bitmaps are also automatically converted.

- Switch to using unicode Win32 (e.g. this fixes using `al_set_window_title`
    with unicode strings).


  - Add `al_fprintf` (DanielH and Tobias Scheuer).

- Add `al_for_each_fs_entry`, a convenience function that helps enumerating the contents of a directory more easily using a callback function (Beoran).

  - Fix for al_get_standard_path with unicode (vkensou).


  - Add X11 touch driver (Ryan Gumbs).

  - Emulate mouse pressure for backends that don't support pressure.

  - Added Windows haptics driver, XInput joystick driver (Beoran).


  - Add block compression pixel formats
	bitmaps. This includes an API to fetch compressed block size
	(`al_get_pixel_block_width/height/size`) as well as API to load and unload
	compressed bitmap data without paying a runtime compression cost
	(`al_lock_bitmap_blocked`). Unfortunately, due to patent concerns this last
	feature is disabled for OpenGL (if you thinks those concerns don't apply to
	you, you can enable it by passing `-DWANT_OPENGL_S3TC_LOCKING=1` to cmake).

- Make real fullscreen modes work on OS X again. May not be perfect still.
    (thanks to SDL).


- Don't clobber the 0'th texture unit in OpenGL and Direct3D. This simplifies
    working with shaders.

Android port:

  - Bump minimum Android API level from 10 to 12 (aka version 3.1).

  - Add controller support to the Android port. An accelerometer 'joystick'
	is still the first joystick. Supports two analog sticks and 10 buttons (A B
	X Y L1 R1 DPAD_L DPAD_R DPAD_U DPAD_D). Supports hotplugging and
	theoretically multiple joysticks (needs testing).

  - Set correct orientation at startup on Android (thanks to Aikei_c).

Build system:

  - Various CMake fixes.


  - Add Travis and AppVeyor continuous integration support.

  - Fix a lot of memory leaks.

  - Many documentation improvements.

Audio addon:

  - Disallow attaching a mixer to itself.

  - Fix uni- and bi-directional looping of zero-length samples.

- Fixed/avoided all sound examples freezing on OSX with the aqueue driver.

Image addon:

  - Add functionality to load Direct Draw Surface files (.dds). Only
    compressed pixel formats are supported (DXT1, DXT3 and DXT5).

Dialog addon:

  - Fix native file dialog default paths on Windows (Edgar Reynaldo).

  - Fix unintended behaviour in `al_set_menu_item_flags` (Malcolm Harrow).

  - Fix some bugs with native menus in OSX.

Video addon:

  - Fix for now undefined AVCODEC_MAX_AUDIO_FRAME_SIZE (Dennis Busch).

TTF addon:

  - Fix a crashing bug in the TTF addon.

  - Make al_load_ttf_font_stretch return NULL if invalid width/height are

Font addon:

- Add multi line text output for the font addon (`al_draw_multiline_text`,
    `al_draw_multiline_textf` and `al_draw_multiline_ustr`).

Primitives addon:

  - Fix some sharp-angle polyline drawing bugs.


  - New examples: ex_compressed, ex_font_multiline.

  - ex_dir: demonstrate `al_for_each_fs_entry`.

  - ex_haptic2: demonstrate hotplugging.


On 12/31/2014 02:19 AM, Trent Gamblin wrote:
Another thing I want to try to fix (doing it right now) is joystick buttons
don't seem to work after a full sleep/hibernation and resume on Android.

Ignore last message.

-----Original Message-----
From: Trent Gamblin [mailto:trent@xxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: December 31, 2014 3:18 AM
To: 'Allegro Development'
Subject: Re: [AD] Releasing 5.1.9

Sounds good. Still builds, examples run on OS X 10.6. Most likely still
builds on the latest, albeit with a lot more deprecation warnings (but
that's nothing new.) :/


-----Original Message-----
From: Trent Gamblin [mailto:trent@xxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: December 31, 2014 2:59 AM
To: 'Allegro Development'
Subject: Re: [AD] Releasing 5.1.9

One thing that would be nice is if you document your release steps in git.

-----Original Message-----
From: Trent Gamblin [mailto:trent@xxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: December 31, 2014 2:48 AM
To: 'Allegro Development'
Subject: Re: [AD] Releasing 5.1.9

Sounds good. Still builds, examples run on OS X 10.6. Most likely still
builds on the latest, albeit with a lot more deprecation warnings (but
that's nothing new.) :/


-----Original Message-----
From: SiegeLordEx [mailto:slabode@xxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: December 31, 2014 1:25 PM
To: Coordination of admins/developers of the game programming library
Subject: [AD] Releasing 5.1.9


I'm in the mood to release 5.1.9 in the next few days, any objections?
Is there anything on fire that we should fix? Also, could someone check if
it all still builds on OSX?


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