Re: [AD] Windows Android build broken

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On Mon, 11 Nov 2013 23:54:54 +0000, nooskewl@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> OK to be more clear, MSYS mangles the paths somehow so I’m not sure how to run it without being in that directory other than using the 8.3 filenames. cmd.exe is getting “C:\Program” as input even if I put it in single or double quotes, escape it or use the MSYS /c/Program\ Files.. notation.

I can think of a few workarounds:

1. we just call cmd.exe /c android.bat and hope it's on the PATH

2. we generate a local batch file containing the full path to
   android.bat and call the local batch file.  The local path
   better not have spaces itself, but we could use a relative path.

3. since building the examples requires python we could call a
   trivial python script which then calls android.bat

Can you do something with this patch for 2?  Completely untested.


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