Re: [AD] Ouya controller support

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That sounds like a better solution. I have an Ouya that’s been shipped on the way so I can help test things.
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 4:51 PM
Subject: Re: [AD] Ouya controller support
Yes, I can borrow an android phone from work for testing :-)
Although I will probably drop the KeyEvent/MotionEvent solution. There are /dev/input/event* and /dev/input/js* devices available on the OUYA that appears when connecting the controllers so the existing Linux code may work with some modification.
2013/7/11 Trent Gamblin <nooskewl@xxxxxxxxxx>
When you’re doing this you should make sure that the same binary will run on Ouya and Android phones/tablets as well. So when receiving keys, it should send key events if the device isn’t an Ouya joystick. And for ALLEGRO_JOYSTICK devices it should use the accelerometer or Ouya joysicks depending on device at runtime.
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 3:15 PM

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