Re: [AD] Linux joysytick and force feedback

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On Mon, 24 Jun 2013 21:37:49 +0200, beoran@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Dear allegro list members,
> In attachment, find two patches to the 5.1 branch of today. The first
> one beoran_linux_event_joystick.diff changes the implementation of the
> Linux joystick driver to use the newer /dev/input/eventxx Linux API in
> stead of the older /dev/input/jsxx API. This has several benefits,
> such as better axis detection. However the main one is that it makes
> it easier to support haptics (force feedback) on Linux. This patch
> makes some changes hat expose the internals of the Linux Joystick
> driver into an internal header file for use with the haptic device.
> The second patch beoran_haptics.diff, which should be applied after
> the first patch, contains the whole high level machinery for playing
> back haptic effects as well as a Linux driver. I am a pure 100% Linux
> user so I'm unable to contribute a Windows or a OSX driver at the
> moment, but I hope that with this framework in place, some people will
> step up to generously contribute them. The patch contains
> documentation, but I'll admit everything still has some rough corners.
> But it works for me so I hope it will be a nice beginning for adding
> haptic affects to Allegro.  I'm open to all suggestions.

Your patches came through (perhaps not in Digest mode?)
but you've got them reversed.  For future reference you can use 
git format-patch XXX..YYY to generate the patches.

The first patch looks mostly fine.  I'll test it at home and push it for
you, if I remember.


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