Hello Guys,
This question is about the system choisen by Allegro to handle the exporting to formats like Windows, Mac OSX, Android, IOS, etc.
The lounge / Off topic forum is probably a better place to talk about it, but the "New topic" button was hidden for me on this subformum, please feel feee to move the topic there.
I'm working on the very first step of a server-side framework that could be able to be export the code into many formats.
The purpose is to make a framework that can create classical website, with a REST api, but also to export some the features into client, to create one page web applications, or mayby even IOSs, Windows 8 or Firefox OS html5 applications.
So currently, I'm studying how existing solutions like game engines and other softwares like Excel/Calc handle this feature.
How does the compilation process work in Allegro ?
Can you help me to find where to look in the source code or in the documentation ?
Is there an UML presentation of this feature ?
If you could help me where to look first, it could save me a lot of time !
Thanks and best regards,
PS: and please excuse my crappy english, I'm french.