Re: [AD] float math function inconsistencies

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On 01/29/2013 07:16 PM, Nick Trout wrote:
Chipmunk: on iOS it uses CGPoint, which is 2D float. It is double by
default on other platforms, but can be switched easily to float. And
notice how all of the math functions pair with the number type.

I don't think there's any argument against using the f suffixed functions given that we use floats almost everywhere. Whenever I wrote code I always took pains to use the f suffixed functions, so it's not like their usage will be unprecedented. You should send along a patch to fix this, perhaps ;). Double check that the functions are available under MSVC, however. It was missing a few last time I checked.

The float->double change is an issue unrelated to this, however. The usage of doubles for the software triangle rasterizer is unfortunate, but doesn't really argue for using doubles everywhere. The proper solution would likely be to convert the entire thing to fixed point math (I didn't originally do so because I feared restricting the triangle size too much, and because I observed no speed difference between using floats and fixed point) because that's what is used by the hardware which is being mimicked anyway (and it certainly does _not_ use doubles).

The interpolated variables in the software rasterizer are only u,v and the color components, all of which coincidentally range between 0 and 1, which would allow using all 32 bits of an integer to encode fractions, which is ahead of the 24 bits available to float, but less than 53 bits available to double. I suspect that it will be enough though. Heck the scaline drawers use the Allegro fixed point which affords only 16 bits to the fraction, and nobody's complaining about precision there!

It's not a big deal though, as until there is a non-hardware accelerated display driver available there's relatively small pressure for this rasterizer to be fast.


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