Re: [AD] allegro 5 book

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Are there plans to add sections on Sound and GL integration?


On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 9:51 AM, Aleksander Dishnica <adishnica@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I have written a book about Allegro 5 and is actually online.
The allegro 5 wiki has it already listed as an online tutorial, but it was first written as a book
I was thinking of my book being added on
It is actually online, but I have a copy of the book zipped
If you can publish my book (which is normally free) on your Allegro 5 book section
(Adding my online tutorials would be nice)
and remove the "We don't know of any books about Allegro 5 yet"
I would be glad to give you the zipped version of the book or to make a 
downloadable version on my website.

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