Re: [AD] Multiple window icons

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On Sat, 13 Oct 2012 14:56:35 +1100
Peter Wang <novalazy@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi,
> Allegro doesn't support multiple window icons at the moment.
> Here is a possibility:
>     bool al_set_display_icons(ALLEGRO_DISPLAY *display,
> 	int num_icons, ALLEGRO_BITMAP *icons[]);
> where num_icons >= 1.
> On some systems, Allegro may just pass converted but otherwise
> unscaled images through to the window environment, and let it choose
> the appropriate one for whatever context (taskbar, alt-tab selector,
> etc.)
> On other systems, Allegro may use an exact size bitmap if possible or
> upscale the next smallest bitmap to the size required by the
> environment.  I assume scaling up is preferable to scaling down at
> icon resolutions.
> How does that sound?

I think scaling down works best. All our icons were made by scaling
down a 512x512 pixel bitmap (and I think in many cases Apple just
scales down that bitmap themselves - but not sure).

And I don't know anything about Window icons, so if on some platform
multiple sizes make sense, that function sounds good.

Also, it would be nice if we could document how to deal with icons on
the various platforms, whenever someone finds out something. E.g. under
Windows you need an .ico (which can be created from a 512x512 bitmap on
various online converters) and include it within the .exe. On IOS you
need some specially named files in your app bundle as well as several
different ones references from the Info.plist (could just add a link to
the apple docs for that). And so on...

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