Re: [AD] Is someone reviewing posts to this list by non-members?

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On 10/06/12 22:47, Elias Pschernig wrote:
On Sat, 06 Oct 2012 22:24:27 +0200
Tobias Hansen<tobias.han@xxxxxxxxxx>  wrote:


when I post to this list from an email address which is not
subscribed, I get a mail like the one below. Ok, that was just two
days ago, but the last time I waited a week and my mail was not
reviewed. Is there someone who reviews the mails? Am I just not
patient enough? If not, please change the message that is sent to
non-members who are trying to post.
Thanks. I changed "Action to take for postings from non-members for
which no explicit action is defined." from HOLD to REJECT. I assume
this was the cause for that message.


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