[AD] Fw: SourceForge Repo Clone Complete |
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I assume everyone got the mail below from SourceForge, but if not I attached it. Basically we have new git URLs now: read/write: ssh://USER@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/p/alleg/allegro read-only: git://git.code.sf.net/p/alleg/allegro The easiest way to update is to open the .git/config text file with your favorite text editor and just update the URL for the "origin" remote. The website repository also has a new URL: ssh://USER@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/p/alleg/allegrowww2 SourceForge botched the SVN transfer and their web interface can't handle git repositories with no "master" branch properly, but they are informed about both issues and seem quite cooperative (they have live support in IRC). So those issues should be fixed in the next days. The new git repositories should be fully working already (I did not try committing anything yet though). The old git repositories are also working (as separate, independent repositories though). To avoid confusion, I'm going to delete them in a few days - so someone cloning or pulling them will get an error instead of a stale version then. -- Begin forwarded message: Date: Tue, 09 Oct 2012 21:18:45 +0000 From: SourceForge.net <noreply+project-upgrade@xxxxxxxxxx> To: noreply@xxxxxxxxxx Subject: SourceForge Repo Clone Complete Your cloned repository allegro in project alleg is now ready for use. Old repository url: git://alleg.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/alleg/allegro New repository checkout command: git clone ssh://elias@xxxxxxxxxx alleg-allegro You and any other developers should do a fresh checkout using the new repository location.
Your cloned repository allegro in project alleg is now ready for use.
Old repository url: git://alleg.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/alleg/allegro
New repository checkout command: git clone ssh://elias@xxxxxxxxxx alleg-allegro
You and any other developers should do a fresh checkout using the new repository location.
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