Re: [AD] [SCM] Allegro branch 5.1 updated. 5.1.3-21-g1a7e633

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On 3 Sep 2012, at 14:52 , Peter Wang wrote:
> I think I implemented it correctly, but it sounds really bad (worse than
> linear interpolation).  Frequency plot attached.  But perhaps you can
> have a look over the patch and see if I got it completely wrong.

The code looks correct to me, but I'm not sure that I interpret correctly what value0-3 are or their relation to the variable t. I'd have to study the code a bit closer to understand it properly.
The frequency plot is a bit hard to interpret for me, have you looked at the waveform?

Of course, it's possible that the method simply isn't suitable for audio data, but I don't really see why it wouldn't be. The output (ie, waveform in this context) in the examples that I've looked at is actually fairly close to the output from linear interpolation but it has a continuous first derivative.


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