Re: [AD] allegro_tiled: a new module for parsing tile-based maps.

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Rather than copy the internal Allegro code into my module's source, I
decided to add glib as a dependency, which not only gives me lists but
also hash tables, base64-encoding (allowing me to remove some code I
hand-copied from zlib), and a whole bunch of other utilities.

I'm working on refactoring the code a little bit to try and figure out
the best user-facing API. If anyone has any suggestions for this, let
me know. After that's done and the API is more or less set in stone,
then I'll post an announcement on the forums.

On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 7:29 PM, Peter Wang <novalazy@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Tue, 31 Jul 2012 15:53:59 -0500, Damien Radtke <damienradtke@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> I mainly used the internal data structures because they were *way*
>> better than my initial handmade solution. If making those references
>> available in user code is an issue, I can try to keep the contents of
>> the TILED structs completely opaque and force the user to use helper
>> methods to access them. If using them at all is a no-no, then I'm open
>> for suggestions on third-party list implementations to include.
> You can copy the files you need into your library and rename the symbols.
> We may change internals which breaks your code, or worse, if lots of
> people end up depending on the internals we may feel constrained in what
> we can change.
> Peter
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