Re: [AD] Issues with vbos in Allegro

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On Tue, 17 Apr 2012 13:57:16 -0600
Trent Gamblin <trent@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I didn't see when this got added, but there is code in the opengl
> driver using VBOs and glVertexArray* functions. It doesn't work on
> Android or iOS but it included unconditionally. I'm not sure if I can
> just #ifdef it out and it will work, but there's another issue with
> it. I thought we supported OpenGL 1.2 and vbos were only core in 1.5.
> What's the deal?

Ah, yeah, it uses a wrong #ifdef, it shouldn't be


but instead

#if !defined ALLEGRO_ANDROID && !defined ALLEGRO_IPHONE

Not sure what made me pick the wrong one. The whole block is new code
which is only for desktop OpenGL with a version >= 3.0. OpenGL 1.2 will
still work (since the PROGRAMMABLE_PIPELINE won't be available).

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