[AD] tests on OS X (was Re: SF.net SVN: alleg:[15387] allegro/branches/5.1/src/opengl)

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On Thu, 23 Feb 2012 20:00:59 -0700, Trent Gamblin <trent@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I got rid of the errors in test_locking2. I still have 6 errors, does
> that sound about right? That's not counting test_fonts or test_prim
> because those don't run for me (can't load a4_font.tga and 'undefined'
> draw_pieslice.)

[moving to AD]

All the tests pass on Linux and Windows (D3D and GL) so I assumed it was
fine on OS X as well.  Perhaps Elias knows?

I assume the a4_font.tga failure is just that the example data hasn't
been copied into place by make copy_example_data.  I'll look to improve
that later.

No idea about draw_pieslice.  Do you mean the linker is failing to
resolve that symbol?


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