[AD] TTF add-on small patch for bitmap format

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The TTF addon now sets the format explicitly to ALLEGRO_PIXEL_FORMAT_ANY_WITH_ALPHA which I noticed because on iOS apparently that equals ALLEGRO_PIXEL_FORMAT_ARGB_8888 which isn't supported. So really there are two issues. First, the ANY_* formats should return supported formats on iOS. But in addition to that, I think TTF onts should be the same as bitmaps (and if I'm not mistaken, bitmap fonts), and use the current bitmap format set with al_set_new_bitmap_format. This patch is for the latter. Maybe I missed some discussion about why the TTF addon works like this, if so please clue me in. It seems wrong so if there is no opposition I'll commit this patch.

Attachment: ttf.diff
Description: Binary data

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