Re: [AD] native menus

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On Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 4:49 PM, Jon Rafkind <workmin@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Implementation question: if you remove a menu do the existing indicies
> remain valid?
No. But it would be safe to do something like:

al_set_menu_item_flags(menu, al_get_menu_index_by_id(menu, MY_ID), 0);

But generally speaking, you should know what the index is (because you
created the menu). So for simple things, you could just hardcode the
index if you prefer.

I could make it work something like:

#define ALLEGRO_MENU_ID (1 << 31)

al_remove_menu_item(menu, index);
al_remove_menu_item(menu, id | ALLEGRO_MENU_ID);

Or IDs could simply be a required parameter, and then you never work
with indexes.

But it's really a rather simple implementation detail that is easy to
adjust whenever.

> And what exactly are the semantics of insert_item?
Insert before that indexed item.

Matthew Leverton

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