[AD] Windows keyboard state bug in when switching display?

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I haven't investigated this very far but I think I stumbled on a problem with

- Using precompiled Windows binaries from allegro-5.0.2-1-msvc-9.0.zip package.

- I am polling keyboard using al_get_keyboard_state() and not using any event queues.

- Keyboard works fine most of the time, however keyboard events seems to be "missed" by Allegro internal processing after/during a display change (it is probably a short amount of time?)

My use case is the following:

- Using different key combo the user of my application can trigger a screen resolution/fullscreen switch, in which case I destroy and recreate the display along with all my video bitmaps (because as I understand it Allegro doesn't allow toggling true full-screen mode without recreating the display). After this is done my application resume, however most of the times the keys that required being pressed to trigger the display switch are kept marked as down in the keyboard state structure. Which made me think that Allegro never caught/processed the "key released" message from Windows.

My update code has:

	for (int i = 0; i != ALLEGRO_KEY_MAX; i++)
		if (al_key_down(&g_keyboard_state, i))
			printf("Pressed key %d\n", i);

And after switching display with an "ESCAPE" shortcut (pressed briefly) i can often see the ESCAPE keycode marked as down permanently.

If I switch display with a long prolonged press on ESCAPE the key is properly marked as released once I release it.

I don't have a quick repro off-hand but hopefully based on the 4 lines above you would agree that it is an Allegro bug rather than an application bug, because the keyboard state is invalid at this point.

Let me know how I can help,

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