[AD] minor bug in src/graphics.c

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In src/graphics.c on lines 1413 and 1414 allegro falls back to creating a memory bitmap if it cannot create a system bitmap, but it incorrectly alters the id of the bitmap to add the BMP_ID_SYSTEM flag even though it is only a memory bitmap. I made a patch to remove this line that is attached. I can't see why the bitmap should be identified as a system bitmap if it is not, even if create_system_bitmap created it (by calling create_bitmap).

--- graphics_old.c	2011-03-08 22:59:03.434938000 -0600
+++ graphics.c	2011-04-28 03:01:19.166519500 -0500
@@ -1411,7 +1411,6 @@
       return gfx_driver->create_system_bitmap(width, height);
    bmp = create_bitmap(width, height);
-   bmp->id |= BMP_ID_SYSTEM;
    return bmp;

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