Re: [AD] 5.0.1 soon

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On 2011-03-11, at 4:33 PM, Peter Wang wrote:
> Hi,
> Please let me know if the 5.0 branch is fit for release on OSX and
> iPhone as I can't test those for myself.

It's really hard to test on iPhone. Xcode 4 is even slower than 3
(much slower, and that's saying something) when loading the Allegro
project. It's taking literally 5 minutes to make any change to the
project... If I disable the examples, it's fine, but then what to
test? So I compiled 5.1 without the examples and build my game and
ran it. Display and sound seems fine. Controls no longer work I
guess due to the addition of the touch API. I didn't try to get that
working as there is no documentation on the touch API at all.

Maybe I'll try again if I have any games that will build with 5.0
and not require 5.1.


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