Re: [AD] [A4.4.1.1] Windows profile build fails

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Peter Wang wrote:
On 2011-03-11, Edgar <edgarreynaldo@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
If I guess correctly, the undefined references to 'mcount' are because the '-pg' flag was missing during the profiling library build.

Probably right.

You can edit variables in the cmake GUI.  You may have to select
"Advanced view" or something like that.

If I hand edit allegro/build/CMakeFiles/allegro.dir/link.txt and add in the -pg flag to the library build command, then the profiling build works as expected.

If I use cmake-gui, there is an entry under CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_PROFILE that says -pg, so apparently that's not the right variable for a library build.

I think that the allegro target's LINK_FLAGS property needs to be set for (at least) GCC and maybe MSVC as well.

Since CMakeFiles.txt already sets the allegro target's LINKS_FLAGS property to ${ALLEGRO_LINK_FLAGS}, then I propose that we set ALLEGRO_LINK_FLAGS to "-pg" when compiling with GCC. Does MSVC need this as well? I don't have MSVC so I can't test it.

I altered allegro/CMakeLists.txt to set ALLEGRO_LINK_FLAGS to "-pg" when compiling with GCC and ran cmake and make and now the profiling build works properly.

Attached is a patch that makes this work for me.

--- CMakeLists.txt.old	2011-03-11 23:27:50.374392000 -0600
+++ CMakeLists.txt	2011-03-11 23:21:45.493449000 -0600
@@ -769,6 +769,12 @@
     set(allegro_OUTPUT_NAME alleg)
+    if (COMPILER_GCC)
+        set(ALLEGRO_LINK_FLAGS "-pg")
+    endif()

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