Re: [AD] conserving FBOs in ttf addon

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On February 25, 2011, Elias Pschernig wrote:
> On Sat, 2011-02-26 at 11:04 +1100, Peter Wang wrote:
> > Any objections to this?
> No. In fact, we probably should think of ways to automatically expire
> FBOs. Right now when you write to too many bitmaps your application will
> just break with OpenGL. If it's not a big slowdown simply using only one
> single FBO for all al_set_target_bitmap calls might be a better idea
> than what we are doing now. Otherwise maybe keep a list of let's say 8
> FBOs and expire the oldest one when there's an al_set_target_bitmap call
> which needs a new one.

Possibly use some kind of LRU list, so ones that haven't been used lately go 

Thomas Fjellstrom

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