Re: [AD] al_create_native_file_dialog

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On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 10:12 PM, Thomas Fjellstrom
<tfjellstrom@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Uh, its not a string. Its a delimiter. Unless you want to be able to join
> paths using multiple chars? But that doesn't really make any sense.
Maybe somebody will invent a system with multi-char path separators.
(Just kidding.)

I cannot think of a valid reason to use multiple characters as the
delimiter, just as I don't really see much point with the parameter at
all. (Yes, there may be some fringe cases where you may want to
specifically create a Windows or Linux path, but like I wrote earlier,
there could be a separate function for that.)

Now if somebody were to abuse the ALLEGRO_PATH as a generic dynamic
string array, then multiple characters could be useful (since cstr
would essentially become some sort of "join" operation), but there's
no reason to design the function with hacks in mind.

All that said, for some reason a char* seems more proper to me,
although I understand why it is a char.

Matthew Leverton

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