Re: [AD] old Mac OS X joystick

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I committed the changes. Would be nice if someone with 10.4 could
test it.

Trent Gamblin

On 2010-11-27, at 3:49 PM, Peter Wang wrote:

> The copy of hidjoy-10.4.m is in the limbo state from Trent's initial
> implementation of hotplugging, where it repeatedly repeated re-scans
> joysticks and destroys and recreates joystick structures all the time.
> Can someone revert it back to the version which didn't attempt hotplug
> at all?
> Also, the way that hidjoy.m includes hidjoy-10.4.m, does this mean if
> you compile Allegro on a 10.5 machine, the binary will not load on a
> 10.4 machine, or that the joystick routines will fail to initialise?
> Peter

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