Re: [AD] Deadlock in KCM audio

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On October 24, 2010, Trent Gamblin wrote:
> On 2010-10-24, at 6:36 AM, Peter Wang wrote:
> > It's going to be pretty hard finding the problem just by reading the
> > code.  Can you not run under gdb and do a backtrace on all the running
> > threads?  (info threads; thread N; bt)
> Oddly, I never thought of that, though I had it in GDB to get the line
> number where it's hanging. I'll try that. Thanks.

You're probably aware of this command, but just in case:

thread apply all bt full

will get you a backtrace of all threads with "extra" info. Should be more 
useful than a single backtrace.

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