Re: [AD] al_make_recursive_directory

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On Sat, 2010-10-23 at 01:03 -0600, Thomas Fjellstrom wrote:
> At any rate it probably shouldn't be just a change in behavior of the existing 
> function. You're just pushing around the complexity. Anyone who actually wants 
> the existing functionality will have to do more work.

But why would anyone want the existing functionality? If I want to
create a directory, I don't see why I would want it to fail when the
parent does not exist.

My one use case for creating a directory certainly makes the current
behavior very counter-intuitive. And it's the same for all use cases I
can think of for creating a directory from within a game.

>  Why not an al_make_path 
> instead? And hey, one variant of each can actually take an ALLEGRO_PATH, which 
> I'd find incredibly useful.

In my case I have the path as an ALLEGRO_PATH anyway - but we would lose
the separation of path API and file system API again. Not that it should
matter much.

Elias Pschernig <elias.pschernig@xxxxxxxxxx>

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