Re: [AD] skater demo

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On 10/21/2010 07:21 AM, Elias Pschernig wrote:
I just tried compiling the skater demo with A5, using a4_aux.h and some
sed it seems to mostly compile. I might have it ready for commit in a
week or so, if nobody already ported it and we want to include it with 5.0.

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I think we need a demo that uses A5 functionality natively, and not another one done via the A4 shim. I don't think the "market" A5 is exclusively aiming for is A4 porters, so the exercise of making a demo while maintaining A4 API might be lost on Allegro newbies. A5steroids isn't that great either, since it was coded before many of the newer features were implemented...


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