Re: [AD] Hotplug joysticks

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On 18 Aug 2010, at 12:38 , Trent Gamblin wrote:
> Joysticks that are registered as event sources are automatically removed from the queue if they're unplugged, but not until the user calls al_get_num_joysticks. This is the key function and the only change to the current api.
> It's up to the user to register new joysticks with their queues.
> So what do you think? I think this is a 4.9 feature but it may be best for 5.1... the reason I think it's for 4.9 is 5.1 will the slightly change API usage.

To me, it seems that this change would not cause existing code to behave differently under the same circumstances (ie, you don't plug in or unplug a joystick). Based on that, I think it's fine to push this off to 5.1.
Please correct me if I'm wrong.


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