Re: [AD] "blend color" is wrong

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On Sun, June 13, 2010 8:55 am, Elias Pschernig said:
> So I'm leaning towards option B now. It's the one easiest to describe in
> the documentation, with no special cases add all: If you want to specify
> the color of something, that is done (and can only be done) by passing
> in an ALLEGRO_COLOR parameter.

I think I agree... here's the scenario I described on IRC which occurs often
for me, described in pseudo code:

if (some special case)
  set tint color // currently blend color
calculate where to draw

Now if we make tinting done through a separate function, it becomes

calculate where to draw
if (some special case)

Which seems repetitive to me, and much worse if "draw" is a bunch of
different calls.

I think even text drawing it's better with a special al_set_tint_color function
affecting text (for consistency and scenarios like above)..

Trent :n)

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