Re: [AD] Diagrams in documentation

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On 2010-06-15, Pavel Sountsov <slabode@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> So the conclusion of our discussion about how the primitives work was 
> that the current approach is fine, but it needs to be better 
> documented. I think a diagram or two may be invaluable for this. Can 
> anyone familiar with our pandoc setup give me a few pointers at how 
> that can be done? I think I understand the markup syntax for images, 
> but I want to know where to place the images and what CMakeLists.txt 
> files to modify.

It might make sense to keep images in a separate directory,
docs/src/refman/images.  In Refman.cmake there is a bit of code for
copying the CSS and Javascript files; you can probably reuse it for

I'll see if we can do anything for the text-only formats later.


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